was BorEd today....
till mY MuM asked me to bring My ADek Go ToaPayoh CentRal..
My mUm and mY smaLL Sis
are going oversea tHis FrIdaY.. so they buy loT's of CloThes..
and StUff To Bring!!
I waS KinDa piSSed At FiRst CoZ I waS sLepPy..
i CAn't bE bother to BriNg hEr but,
It'S mUm Order!! HAiZZ..
well, it went pretty Well.. sinCe my Mum bought Alot of Stuff,
I tried physco-ing heR tO BUy ME stUfF too..
*eViL smilE*
hehehe... she bought me 2 pair Of PiEre CardIn Bra
and one FacIal Treatment EssenCe(skII)..
soRRy Mum.. bUt not To woRRy, It's The sMAll BottlE..
*i miss my syg*.. (random)
hahahaha.. ape je..
"mY JoB HeRE IS dOne"
here are the pics..
this look sporty..
(looks like the american flag..)
*WO the stars
this, i like... My favorite
this is the small bottle mum..
*eviL smiLe*