tOday trainIng waS tough...
mr nair was like the danCe trainer today..LoL
he TraineD likEno OthEr teaCheR teaChes Us beFore!!
Dead Beat!!
hanie was sweating like no Ones BuisneSs..
I wAs sweaTing too...(like riVer)..WteVar
all Our fAce like Just fiNish MarAton liKe that..hahaha
anw.. after everything..
me, mr nair,sheenaz,fad and ms tan went to eat together
at sempang bedok..
(so saD dun have hanie and insyirah and amalina and ikhsan)
waS cooL and Fun.. hahaA.. duno Why fuN buT to me wAs kinDa FuN..
so Sad mr naiR paId for The fooD.. he diDn't wAnt us to pay..
he sent sheenaz back to macpherson..(or is ti KalLang) hmmm
my syg sent me home.. (obVious sioL)
hahah.. that's for tonite..
and ya yes you stupid aSSHole.. If you who i"m talking aboUt,
go kick your AsseS goodbye lah!! iF i see you,
i mAke sure..... i Turn you To a MonkeY tau!! (hah! like you u know who)
(ass!!! make mY frEn seDih.. yOu think you The onLy guy ah..hMpH!!)
go home sleep..
oke my job is DoNe!!
here ar the pics...
me and syg..(tkde kerje) so take gambar Loh
my syg lookS hUngRy! hahHA
thE sAtAy!! SedAp tAu
sheEnaz... LapaR naMpak!! dGn sAtay stick
Nk mKn Ke?? haha