ok ppL..
here's the thing...
my syg just got his car today..
Omgd.. lawa seh.. so many features in his cars..
the side mirror can be adjusted just by mving
one button in his car.. cool seh..
and alot more..
omgd, it's like a sport car man.. i'll take picture
of it one day and i'll post it here..
gona give him money to modifiy it..
confirm nice... yup..
The car is damn good sia.. can't imagine my boyfren is driving
he's got aa SP bike, a VAN, and now a CAR...
Omgd guys... Beat tat you'll..
wat more can i ask man..
Meanwhile, here's how it look likes..
It's just tat the plate number diff lah.. LoL.
lawa kan..
love yA!
He saId DiZ tO mE..
[It's been quitesometImes tat we both are
thinking about each other at the same time..
i mean, u and me didn't msg at the same time animore..
that was our speciality b4,
but it is no where to be seennow.. :-(
i miz you]
with this words,
i was touched by it..
it's been so long since he told
me how he felt inside..
i cried when he msg me this..
it shows how much we have been missing out
something in our life..
it's like we'r there but we'r not..
after so long,
i finally felt something burning inside again..
our love is back in line..
(we'r both bz, and we can't see
tat we'r missing out each other)
b, i love you..
my job here is done..
went org kawin with
Took pic with the brides.. there were two weddings tat day..
the brides so lawa..
*can't wait fo mine..hahaha..LoL
Went vivo city after tat... lepak with them..
*Then suddenly me and my syg have to chao for awhile
for some stupid reason at home*(gerammm)
Then we came back.. we all went to marina..
played arcade there..
the guys were going crazy over the catch2 game..
espicially fiz, fadzil and jas..(i guess).. ahahaha.. funny man..
then they went to play shotting game.. hahaha..
hafiz died 3 times (i think)..
*you know wat i mean fiz.. hahaha..
then they played car racing.. hahaha.. my ayg went last..(so sad)
blom pass eh yg.. hahaha..
went to eat at KFC... lepak at esplanade for awhile..
the guys played with balloon's helium.. hahaha..
funny crap seh.. espicially when their voice change..
hahaha.. they joke arnd alot... made me laugh..
(i saw irwan from the dance floor"fantistic four"guy)...
lepak than went home..
i had fun..
i'll upload the pics soon..
hey.. HAPPY B"DAY OHM....
my job here is done..

met sheenaz first at interchange..
then the rest of the guys....
went east coast.... i took a ride so we waited for one another at maC..
rented a bike and cycle our way through east coast..
(didn't know east coast was that big)
ikhsan had to cycle for me coz i was afraid of accident again..
(you know wat i mean guys)....
anw, cried for some stupid shit... then it was okay..
sheenaz syg me.. ikhsan became like abang and counsiled
me...(imagine that).. allan became like a santa claus
coz he gave me keychain.. hahaha..
thnks guys...(love ya)
ate at water breaker with them..(romantic kan kite)
then suddenly go cockroach.... (spoiler man)
then we went separate ways..
love you dear..
my job here is done..
BEFORE:i had a bestfren before.. but i lost her cause of my foolishness..been two years now.. haizzz.. istill do miss her till now..her name is niza.. ho'd i miss her..till now i dun have bestfren but close frens only..NOW:i am grateful to have three close fren(next to my heart)..when i'm sad, they make me happy.. tried their best toto make even smile a little..i was devastated one day and i cried my heart out..my fren ikhsan and sheenaz, came down just to comfort me..now i know wat true frens are..not only being there to spend happy moment times with me but go thruwith me sad and happy times.i was touched..hanie comforted me thru phone.. i was glad..i love them so much..*and you too my dear* dun jealous ah..LoL..i can't bear to lose them.. i'll die without them.. the are like my family..hahaha.. seriously close to my heart.. (i treasure them)..i'll always remember this...friendship last longer than relationship..IMISSYOUHANIE...
ok,my job here is done..
i done so much for her..
but i just hope he treat her well..
i dun mind her not lepaking with us..
i just want her to be happy
like us..
i dun wana be unfair..
at first i was disappointed
but it's her love life..
i 'm just there to see her happy..
make her happy boy..
(i'll have faith in you)
I had a bestfren before.. one really made me change so much..
till now i still do miss her.. her name is niza..
but maybe life has a reason wat happen to us..
it's been almost 3-4 years when i lost her b-cause of my foolishness..
i promise not to make the same mistake again..
i never had a bestfren ever again.
(except close frens)
i was afraid to break my heart again.. i cried when i lost her..
i'm considering tat i have 3 closest frens..
the tot of losing them just breaks my heart..
when i'm down, they were there..
they gave me advice.. made me laugh.. and accompany me if i'm bored..
at times i may be irritating.. but hey,(no joke no fun)..
the day when i cried my heart out, they came just for me..
i felt touch specially when ikhsan came down immediatley..
i couldn't felt more love..
now.. i'm praying for my dearest girl..(you know who,one of the three)
to not go away from me coz, you mean alot to me in my life..
love you all guys..
we wasn't close before.. but now we'r sticky like superglue..
Frienships lat longer than Relationship..
i hope you get this msg running thu your head my dearest
fren.. w miss you.. we'll sacrifice just to meet you and not lose you..